Machine Learning Legal Scope

Data Privacy and Ethics: Legal services in machine learning focus on ensuring that data used for training machine learning models complies with privacy regulations. Lawyers address ethical concerns related to data collection and usage.

Intellectual Property: Legal experts help protect machine learning algorithms, models, and inventions through patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Algorithmic Bias: Lawyers advise on addressing algorithmic bias to ensure fairness and compliance with anti-discrimination laws.

Contract Review: Legal services involve reviewing and drafting contracts related to machine learning, including data licensing agreements, development contracts, and collaboration agreements.

Liability and Accountability: Legal professionals address questions of liability and accountability in cases of machine learning errors or accidents, including liability for autonomous AI systems.

Vishal Punwani


Advocate High Court

+91-8369262393 | +91-9967546605

Noshir Fali Kumana

Senior Associate

Advocate & Solicitor

Educational Qualifications
B.Sc., LL.B., Solicitor, Diploma in Business Management (IMC)


Fort office: Commerce House 6th Floor Nagindas Master Road behind Rythym House Kalagodda Fort Mumbai-400001
Kandivili Office: Supreme Willows, 16th Rd, Charkop, Kandivili west Mumbai 400067
Thane Office: Lodha Luxuria Majiwada Thane W 400601

Contact No.

Mobile: +91-8369262393

Mobile: +91-9967546605

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